
My rates start at $1 per audio minute for high-quality audio.

Base rate may increase depending on a few factors:
  • Background Noise
  • Heavy Accents
  • Number of Speakers
  • If More Than Two Speakers, Are They Varying Distances From Mic?
  • Quick turnaround time (see Rush Rate section below)

Most of my clients understand the above and interview/record in relatively quiet environments with one or two speakers. They receive the lowest rate, and you will too if your recordings are also of reasonably good quality.

I would be delighted to give you a free quote if you are not sure about the quality of your recording(s). Simply contact me to submit a sample recording and I will get right back to you with the rate that will be charged for your project!

RUSH RATE: Any work that requires a turnaround time of less than three business days adds $.50 per minute to the base rate.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.












Mike Jerry

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about my services!

Contact Me